Online File Compressor

Online File Analyzer

Get a detailed size breakdown of PDF, PowerPoint, Word or Excel files. -loading

Get a detailed size breakdown of PDF, PowerPoint, Word or Excel files

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PowerPoint file? Try Slidewise

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This file may have been compressed by already

We spotted '(' in your filename, we add this to help identify files that have already been compressed on WeCompress. Re-compressing the same file won't work…

Try our Desktop software

NXPowerLite Desktop has no size limits, is super-fast and can compress multiple files at once. Try it free today.

by 3+ million people —

"NXPowerLite works like a charm. I use it every day to compress files. Never a glitch."
— Joseph Rovitto

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Double-click the NXPowerLiteSetup.msi in your download folder to install the software, if it hasn't started downloading, click here to try again.

Getting started | Download Mac OS version | More offline tools


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Double-click the NXPowerLiteSetup.dmg in your download folder to begin installing the software, if it hasn't started downloading, click here to try again.

Getting started | Download Windows version | More offline tools


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